I start by imploring you to read this letter with an
open and unbiased mind as this will enable you
grab the full gist of my message.
I am a full blooded South African, born and bread
in Soweto. I have never been to Nigeria and my
impression of your Country is formed by the
behaviour and actions of the many Nigerians who
live in SA and what we hear and read from the
media about the goings on in your country.
I deliberately joined Nairaland today as I noted
that alot of you are on this Forum hence its a
good platform to pass my message. Suffice it to
say that i will delete this account after this
message. I will read your responses with keen
1. There is no question that there was
xenophobic attack on Foreigners in SA in the past
3weeks. What is in doubt is the scale of the
attack. I have noted that Nigerians have overtly
blown the crises out of proportion by spreading
lies and wrong informatiom concerning the crisis.
The idea that South Africans are going round SA
cities killing, maiming and burning Foreigners is a
lie. Only 7 people have been killed so far and of
these 7, 3 are south Africans, 2 Ethiopians and 2
Mozambican. The world media is in agreement
with these figures. While its 7 lives too many that
doesnt give credence to the news going round in
Nigeria that we are killing and burning Foreigners.
If thats true then there would be more people
ON social media as most are lies and fabricated
figments of the imaginations of mischievous
Nigerians in other to stoke the flame of discord
between Nigeria and SA.
2. Why are Nigerians up in arms against SA with
xenophobia when the war in Nigeria is far worse
than here in SA. Boko haram is killing thousands
your people everyday and theres no end in sight
meanwhile no Nigerian has been killed in this
Xenophobic attack. That is why Nigerians throng
our embassies in Lagos and Abuja seeking Visas
to come to SA and escape the despicable living
conditions in the slums of Nigeria.
3. This recent Xenophobic attack was predicated
on the fact that Foreigners commit so much
heinous crimes in SA without impunity and we are
tired of all these. We have our own criminals here
so we cant add more problems from foreigners.
A. NIigerians are the kingpins of drugs killing our
children and society. Your brothers drug our girls
into prostitution. They con our people with fraud
and 419. They hack into our bank accounts
stealing millions.
B. Zimbabweans are involved in robberies and car
C. Mozambicans kill our farmers and take our
jobs for peanuts leaving many South Africans
D. Ethiopians and Somalians open shops to do
illegal activities and pollute our communities.
Theres a Somalian shop in every 2 houses on
every street in SA. No Country can allow that.
SA has its own issues but we would like to solve
them without the added problems of Foreign
If you like burn down shoprite and close MTN its
your people that will suffer because these
companies employ millions of Nigerians. They will
simply go jobless.
Thank you
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