20 Ways To Improve The Quality Of Your Life (Must Read )

As humans we all want a good life but the
question becomes how do I improve the quality of
my life? The quality of your life largely depends
on your day to day activities. Let's quickly run
through some things you need to either start or
stop doing to enjoy a better life.
WARNING : I will try to be as brief as possible
but if I end up writing a long piece please take
your time to read through. You didn't pay me for
this, just read but if you don't read now a time
will come when you may have to pay to read my
writings. Lol it's not a threat.....
1. Stop procrastinating. Procrastination is one of
the most effective weapons the devil has used
and is still using to hold people down so as to
steal what belongs to them. There are many
ideas you may have conceived but laziness has
not allowed you to put it to use, you keep saying
tomorrow. Hmmmmmm. My brother/sister you
will be poor ooo.
2. Stop living a loose life. At times I feel like
crying when I see how carelessly some people
live. How would a lady for heaven sake attend a
birthday party, drink herself to stupor and lie
down on the corner of the street till morning?
Someone knows he is poor yet he wants to date
and sleep with every girl around. Think about this.
3. Start celebrating other people's success. I
know you understand this. There are people who
just hate it when others make progress. They feel
it should have been them. This habit has never
and will never take you far.
4. Stop being an . There are many forms of idiocy
but here I'm referring to those who laugh over
everything. They never take anything serious. You
will die young ooo (not you).
5. Stop self-servicing/watching pornography. This
is not a religious write up hence I won't want to
delve into whether self-service or pornography is
a sin or not. All I can tell you is that it reduces
the quality of your life. self-service is addictive
and ones you start you will begin to seek isolation
at all times (so as to have full privacy to......).
With time this isolation habit will translate to a
low self esteem and a lack of confidence. This
lack of confidence will affect every area of your
life. Lest I forget you tend to loose memory
6. Stop trying so hard to please everyone. I said
this before. Most times that I have failed it was
because I was trying to please one or more 'gods'
Pleasing everyone will make you feel indebted to
them as if your life depends on them. RUBBISH!
7. Don't make God your enemy. You are dead
without God.....
8. Stop wasting your energy on relationship
related matters. Seriously I'm guilty of this. I'm a
guy who loves with all my being. Today I was just
thinking of my woman in the vehicle and I felt like
I heard a voice saying 'Felix if you start
channeling all these your thoughts to business
related issues you will be exceedingly rich. Why
should you be wasting your energy?' unfortunately
for me I just can't stop but I'm telling you to. Lol.
9. Stop smoking weed. You will die young.
10. Stop sleeping around. If you are a guy I know
your Fluid won't dry up neither will your
femalecore cut as a female but whether you want
to believe it or not, every sex out of wedlock will
culminate in curses and misfortunes.
11. Never stop learning. Unfortunately for this
part of the world (Africa) we live in a society
where many people walk about with big heads
but dead brains. How will Africa develop? The day
you stop learning that day you die. I perceive I
will be a very 'wicked' father because I will
prepare a learning journal for my children where
they must write down what new thing they learn
daily. Seem like I'm asking you to
be my child. But seriously, go learn a skill. There
are things which I reluctantly learned online but
they are earning me plenty of money today.
12. Let your YES be YES and your NO be NO..
13. Learn to give freely but don't give to please,
give to assist
and you will be blessed.
14. Think big. If I tell you that nations will gather
to listen to me don't laugh at me, I'm only
thinking big. The difference between the rich and
the poor is their way of thinking and not the
money. Within the period when Dantata gave
Dangote 5k to start a business I'm sure that
there are poor people today
who had 10k in those days.
15. Be creative. Do you know why MTN and
Etisalat is still in business? They roll out new
plans everyday to tempt you to spend more.
That's creativity!
16. Be teachable. I was telling some youths the
other day that anytime you stop being teachable
you will stop being amiable and when you stop
being amiable you loose favour. Personally I
easily hate people who feel they know.
17. Build your self esteem. Maybe this is a topic
for another day but just know that no body will
carry you higher than you carry yourself. As a
lady it will be irresponsible for you to respond to
any guy who calls you on the street by saying
SSSSS, SSSSS. Is that your name? Yet you turn
because you are desperate for a husband. Lol.
For the guys Hmmmmmm. If you see a girl you
want but you can't even walk up to her
to at least strike up a good conversation, man
you need some cane. Even on Facebook, if I chat
with you on 3 occasions and in each you replied
me with k and 5n or tnx, babe you don go be that
ooo. Or you came for an interview and you are
shivering, no work for you.
18. Care for your parents. You will enjoy life.
19. Don't be too desperate. Naturally when
people notice you are desperate for something
they derive more pleasure in denying your
request. I'm not saying you shouldn't lobby for
that huge contract oooo because if you go broke i
won't be there.
20. Learn to say thank you and to apologise
when you are

Source: nairaland


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